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Why Styled Shoots take up too much of your time (and what I do instead) | Photography Coach

Sophy Cee Photography

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

Are you ever swiping through on Instagram and you see other photographers with these amazing client closets and think to yourself- I should do that too?

Well, I'm here to tell you I'm not convinced. Okay, let me be clear if this is something you are passionate about and it's your thing- absolutely to do it. But also take a moment to think about what I'm going to tell you.

Because I am all things efficient, I always ask myself "How much time will this take me, and is it worth it?"

So I debated starting a client closet, but for two reasons I decided against it. It would take me too much time- not only to order clothes but the time it would take for people to pick their clothing and to try them on, make a decision, etc...

The second reason is cost.

I think it's obvious I don't offer a client closet but this is what I do instead.

I offer an interactive styling and outfit coordination service that is included in all of my sessions. I use Style and Select.( use code SOPHY10 for 10% off!) . I purchase an account membership for the year- It cost $175 for unlimited access for my clients (this client in the pictures above-styled their shoot using this service)

How does it work?

Basically, in my email workflow, they receive a link to my site, and an access code and then they follow three easy steps to style the whole family for their shoot. It even [provided them with links for them to buy the outfits if they like. they can also create mood boards, and change up the theme if they want to.

So here is the breakdown:

  • My time spent styling their shoot: Zero.

  • Money spent: $175/yr.

  • Client satisfaction: they think this is so cool.

It's also very important to note that I believe clients should dress the way that represents them, not what someone else thinks.

So before you are about to do something new think about the TIME it will take you and see if the cost is worth it.


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